When You Should Work With a Ghostwriter

You probably have a great book idea and have set multiple deadlines to get the manuscript ready, but you have not honored them. Authors you look up to have probably released several works in that period. This happens to many aspiring writers when self-doubt, fear, and limited time get in their way. A ghostwriter is[…]

Keep Your Audience Wanting More…

There’s a lot of chatter in marketing circles about the importance of building a platform, about using the power of “content marketing” to get people to connect with you. I couldn’t agree more. Many of our clients whose books we develop and publish authored a book precisely to be able to connect with more people,[…]

Publishing in the New World – Part 2

You’ve made the decision to publish. You have your manuscript and are working to have it artfully and creatively crafted to distribute and sell. Perhaps you’re self-publishing or working with a publisher. Either way, you still need to have a plan, a strategy for getting your book into the hands of the readers you most[…]

Say it Simply

In a world that is increasingly cluttered, complex, and confusing, the organization that figures out how to simplify its message stands to win. Think about the most memorable ad slogans that you can recall: “Just Do It,” “Tastes Great, Less Filling,” “Live Better, Save Money,” “We Do Chicken Right.” Coming up with just the right[…]


You Won’t Catch Any Fish In A Parking Lot

There’s an old saying: “If you want to catch fish, go where the fish are.” The marketing and publishing corollary to that saying is, “If you want to reach your audience, you need to capture their attention in the way they prefer to be reached.” Maybe you like reading the newspaper. Great. But does your target[…]