man speaking in megaphone

Your Words Matter

I believe there is something mystically powerful about spoken words. Words have the power to pierce flesh and blood, to both wound and inspire the human soul. Mental health counselors and psychologists make a lot of money and spend hours undoing damage created by spoken words. How many precious sons and daughters, people marvelously made in the image[…]

man pushing large boulder

The Power of Momentum

Are you looking to grow more aggressively? Do you have goals you hope to achieve but seem to consistently fall short? Let me suggest that perhaps what’s missing is not a strategy, not desire, not the right players on the team but something else – momentum. Sir Isaac Newton, the famed 17th-century scientist, gave us[…]

Do What Makes You Nervous

Not all of us are born with the “daredevil gene.” Some people thrive on adventure, boldly going where no man has gone before.  The thrill of adventure and even the sense of danger energizes them. Others, not so much. But whether you are a thrill seeker or avoider, it’s often the places that make you nervous, the situations that stretch you and[…]

man in a meeting

How You’re an Influencer

Most people are not all that impressed with themselves. It’s understandable. We are all too aware of our shortcomings and flaws. We all know people who are more talented, gifted, fortunate, or favored than we are.  So while we can put on a good mask and work to convey confidence, inside, we know we have[…]

Don’t Miss Your Moment of Opportunity

Despite your best strategy and planning, sometimes the most important opportunities for your growth and success catch you by surprise. These moments of opportunity are not predictable. They catch you by surprise. For the most part, there’s nothing you can do to force them to happen. However, what you can do is be prepared to “seize the moment” when[…]

Giving Honor

The other day, I was talking to a friend, a young woman I’ve only known and worked with for a short while. We were talking about someone we both know, and neither one of us particularly likes. This person has a pretty high position in an organization where my friend volunteers. I was enjoying (probably a little too much)[…]

Lead With Gratitude

I like taking personality tests – Myers Briggs, Strength Finders, Enneagram, DISC – I’m sure there are others. Probably the one I’ve used the most is the DISC test which gives you a “score” in each of these four personality types: Dominant – change-agents, leaders, extroverted, task-oriented Inspiring – outgoing, communicators, extroverted, people-oriented Supportive – reliable, consistent, stable,[…]