Keeping Readers Engaged Between Books

After releasing their first book, authors gain a legion of followers eager to plow through any other work they can find by the author. Unfortunately, they find little, if any. By the time a follow-up book is published, these once eager readers no longer have the same level of eagerness as before. This is one[…]

man in a meeting

How You’re an Influencer

Most people are not all that impressed with themselves. It’s understandable. We are all too aware of our shortcomings and flaws. We all know people who are more talented, gifted, fortunate, or favored than we are.  So while we can put on a good mask and work to convey confidence, inside, we know we have[…]

How Can You Make Your Company Stand Out?

It’s the question on organizational leader’s mind. Marketing is coming at us from all sides, all hours of the day. Even as we sleep, our email inboxes are filling up with spam, advertisements and membership offers. Our phone is constantly alerting us to texts from salespeople trying to get their foot in the door of[…]

Does your marketing get lost in the crowd?

Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work

We live is a fast-paced, ever-changing world. It seems the demands on our time, the voices screaming for our attention get louder every day. There’s a ton of opportunity out there. So many needs to meet, ways to serve, problems to solve. Yet many organizations still struggle to succeed and grow. Why is that? Whether you run[…]