Theirs Is The Kingdom
By: Roberta Damon
The year was 43 A.D., only two years after Claudius was installed as emperor of Rome. A century earlier, Caesar attempted to conquer Britain. If Claudius could accomplish what the greatest Roman general had only tried, he would be assured of greatness. As a result of Roman invasion, a British ruling family lead by Caractacus is relocated to Rome where his princess daughter Gladys sparks a romance with a Roman senator. Within this setting a radical Roman named Paul shares the good news of new life offered by a Jewish rabbi who was recently crucified in the occupied territory of Judea yet rumored to be alive.Roberta Damon skillfully blends historical facts with fictional characters to create a masterful, inspiring and educational read!
About the Author:
Roberta has spent her adult life helping make the Bible come alive to those she knows and loves. She holds both a seminary degree and a doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy. Roberta served on a church staff as a marriage and family counselor for more than 30 years. Prior to this work, she and her husband Bill served as missionaries to Brazil. Roberta grew up in Oklahoma and Virginia and is the proud mother of two sons and three delightful grandchildren.