The Forgotten Baptism

The Forgotten Baptism

Your Leadership Path To Fulfilling Your Vision

by: Kenneth Ulmer / James O. Davis

Water Baptism, Spirit-Baptism or Something More?
Did you know there is another, more ancient baptism that God has for you? It’s a baptism of vision and provision, of alignment and allegiance, it’s a baptism of blessing.


This forgotten baptism is referred to as the Baptism of Moses. The Baptism of Moses was not just a foreshadowing of the Baptism that Christ commanded. The Baptism of Moses is clearly taught both in the Old and New Testaments. It is a baptism into God’s provision and abundance. Today, this life-changing baptism is forgotten in the Church. Dr. Kenneth C. Ulmer and Dr. James O. Davis believe it is the “missing link” between coming out from the plagued past to possessing all of the promises Christ has for His servants.


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