In God We Trust

In God We Trust
By: Dr. Steve Whitaker

When the storm is on the horizon, how do you prepare?Each of us face difficulties, disappointment, challenges and tribulations – it’s just part of life. So how do you survive the storm? How do you hold on? Equally important, how to you help your children grow to be resilient and able to thrive in the midst of turbulent times?This short book will give you five anchor points, essential truths upon which you can build a life of significance, purpose and joy.Also included is a 30-day guided prayer journey and family discussion starter questions for each chapter.

About the Author: 

Dr. Steve Whitaker has served churces and schools for over 25 years as a pastor, Head of School, and leadership consultant. He resides in Orlando, Florida and has three children with his wife Tricia. He earned his PhD from the University of Louisville.Matthew D. McGee earned his Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has served churces and schools both nationally and internationally. He resides in Orlando, Florida, and has one daughter with his wife Jennifer.

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