Hope Reborn

Hope Reborn
By: Kay Anderson

There was a time when the author thought she had it all – loving husband, four beautiful children, and a sprawling ranch whose beauty fed her soul. Then one day, her world came crashing in. She lost her love and her home. The telling of this journey will give readers faith, courage, and hope that there are indeed brighter days ahead. Read this for yourself or share it with someone you know who may be reeling from unexpected loss and disappointment.

About the Author: 

Kay Carnell Anderson is a native of Montana. In addition to walking through the pain of divorce and widowhood, she is active in her church and ministering encouragement to women walking through their own trials. Despite only completing high school, she has gone on to be a successful direct sales manager, licensed real estate broker, and property manager. She is now semi-retired and besides ministering to women, enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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