Extraordinary Living: The Hidden Power That Answers Life’s Most Compelling Question

Extraordinary Living: The Hidden Power That Answers Life’s Most Compelling Question

by: Donald Clinebell

“A person begins to live when he learns to live outside of himself. The only man or woman with any chance of happiness is the man or woman who finds a way to serve.” — ALBERT EINSTEIN —

How would your life be better if you woke up each day with a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy for living? That would be pretty amazing, wouldn’t it? Discover the keys to an extraordinary life—a life that matters, that makes a difference. Discover the core and foundation of worthiness that you wer e made for. Extraordinary Living reveals the true power, and empowerment, of service. Learn to live outside of yourself, to live service driven in every part of your life—at home, at work, and with neighbor. As you do, watch as your life becomes truly extraordinary. The time to begin is now!



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