Blueprint: New Testament Strategies for Building, Growing & Sustaining The Church
by: Dr. Alphonso Scott
It is in the New Testament that we find the origin, pattern, mission, and early history of the church. Using the New Testament as a guide and primary source for its narrative, this book focuses on the New Testament church — its beginning, growth, nature, government, leaders, ordinances, worship, work, and triumph. The following are just a few of the many topics this book studies:
•How six of the first and most important churches in history were established through the Roman Empire, and by whom
•How God intended the church to be designed and governed
•The unique nature of the church
•God’s expectation of how members are to worship, observe ordinances, and serve the community
•How the offices of elder and deacon were designed to serve the church body
•The purposes and various parts of worship
As we examine the origin and growth of the early churches, we begin to appreciate how the church has survived centuries of turmoil and persecution. Even though the church has always faced the enemies of unbelief, covetousness, worldliness, and formalism, it will triumph in the end. Each time the church seems to be on the verge of destruction, it emerges with new life and power. Jesus is mighty in His church!