Finding New Ways to Say the Same Old Thing

One of the key questions we ask all our authors is this: What are you going to say that hasn’t been said before or how can you say it differently?

To be sure, from time to time you might come up with a truly novel idea. More often than not, though, the service or product you offer is just not that unique. So then how can you make it unique?

Seth Godin in his best-selling book The Purple Cow talks about the key to being remembered is to be different, to stand out. So how can you do this? Let’s consider some common examples.

These are two best-selling books that everyone’s heard about. When you think of all the books written about the differences between men and women, chances are, John Grey’s book is the one that comes to mind. Is it because he said something novel about our gender differences? Not really. But it was the WAY he said it that sticks out in your mind. It’s the funny, quirky, yet immediately relatable concept that men and women might as well have come from different planets.


The same holds true for Mark Victor Hanson and Jack Canfield’s legendary line of books that began with a single title Chicken Soup for the Soul. Are their inspirational thoughts that much different than any other inspirational or motivational book you’ve heard about or read? Probably not. But the phrase is us just something unique that somehow people get.

Take a look at these two financial self-help books. Which one has the better title: Rich Dad Poor Dad or 101 Ways to Find the Money to Save and Invest?

Both books teach the principles of saving and investing money. But can you guess which title sold more copies? Rich Dad Poor Dad is an international bestseller, yet 101 Ways to Find the Money to Save and Invest is mostly unknown. Robert Kiyosaki came up with a novel way to share his investing insights. He told a story of two fathers…and the rest as they say is history.

How can you come up with an inventive way to say what you offer?

  1. First, you need to take a step back and consider your buyer persona. Think about the customer you’re trying to reach. Ask yourself:
  • Who is your target customer?
  • How do they go from awareness to decision?
  • What do they want to see?


  1. Next, you need to attract your target customer’s interest. One way to do this is to apply the concept of introducing unfamiliarity into what they’re already familiar with or vice versa.

Here’s an example of introducing familiarity with what may seem unfamiliar to your audience: cryptocurrency. Most people have a sketchy understanding of what Bitcoin is. But if one were to explain Bitcoin as a form of “digital gold”, most people would be able to grasp that concept easily since “digital” and “gold” are things that people are already familiar with.

Take the time to get creative in how you present what you do…it can make the difference between launching a dud or delivering a best-selling product.


Note: portions of this blog were adapted from this article from Convinceandconvert.

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